What You Should Know Before Making a Decision About Student Apartments

by | Jul 19, 2021 | Apartment Building

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The more you know about student housing before you move in, the happier you will be with your apartment and the complex. Here are a few questions you should ask before deciding about apartments near CSUF.

You should be fully aware of all the costs associated with the apartment. You need to know how much you will spend in rent each month, how much you need for a deposit, and how much you can expect to pay in fees. Fees could apply to having a pet, using storage space, having a parking spot, or leaving the apartment early. You should also know if there is a fee associated with paying your rent late. Find out at what point that fee is charged.

When you move out of the apartment, you likely want your deposit back. Find out under which circumstances your deposit will not be refunded. For example, if the apartment is not sufficiently clean, that may be enough for property management to withhold some of the security deposit.

Ask what steps are taken to deal with emergency repairs when living in apartments near CSUF. Find out who has access to the apartment and if these individuals have to submit to a background check. Ask if there are other circumstances when you should be expecting management or workers to enter the apartment.

Learn how you can enjoy a spacious apartment at Alight Fullerton and how you will enjoy a setting that offers a complete lifestyle that includes street-level shopping and dining by visiting their website at https://alight-fullerton.com.

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